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Codecademy’s Zach Sims Talks Education 2.0 And Learning To Code At DLD | TechCrunch

I am a big, passionate fan of Codecademy and I can spend hours playing with Javascript and the new courses’ materials (e.g. Phython and Ruby). The idea behind such community is to actively involve the user or the wannabe programmer by providing more than tutorials and exercises. Codeacademy, in fact, allows you to become a course creator by delivering your own materials and lessons and contributing back to the community itself. Codeacademy’s creator, Zach Sims, has recently given a talk at DLD Conference (Digital-Life-Design) on the history of the service, its very positive receptions among users and IT experts and future plans for improvements.

Here the article from TechCrunch:

Codecademy’s Zach Sims Talks Education 2.0 And Learning To Code At DLD | TechCrunch.

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